Grant Making Committee Articles

Agecroft Rowing Club Donation

The morning of March 4th was cold and bleak but down at Salford Quays the women of the Agecroft Rowing Club were preparing for the new season. Salford District Charity Steward WBro Stan Jackson and the Salford District Chairman WBro Peter Hegarty were also down on the...

The ELMC Donates £4,000 to Ecclesholme

WBro Chad Northcott, APGM and Chairman of the ELMC attended the Friends of Ecclesholme Benevolent Committee met at Ecclesholme on 25th March 2018. Chad had a pleasant duty to do when he presented a cheque from the ELMC for £4000. He also took the opportunity to spend...

ELMC Supports St Peters Community Gathering

WBro Brian Reynolds recently presented an ELMC Grant Cheque for £1,077 to St Peters Community gathering. This report from the local press tells the story.

ELMC helps Tottington Library Tea Room

Following on from a lot of hard work by a large group of volunteers and the provision of significant donations from a local business - who asked to remain anonymous - and the East Lancs Masonic Charity – who will take every opportunity for publicity, the Tottington...

Dragon Martial Arts Centre

The Dragon Martial Arts Centre, founded by Arthur Sheldon, was originally based on Stockport Road in Audenshaw but had...

Refurbishment at Bolton Sea Cadets

The Bolton branch of the Sea Cadets is based at TS Dido', a large but quite run down house on Castle Street in Bolton....

The Maden Centre, Bacup

  Under the auspices of the former Rossendale District, WBro Dave Law, the then District Charity Steward, made...

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