On Sunday 12th September, Hewlett Court Team Leader, Rachel took the plunge by completing her 15,000ft Skydive to...
Latest ELMC News Articles

ELMC Sponsored Walk 2021
SUNDAY the 25th of July saw The East Lancashire Masonic Charity hold its first fund raising event since...
ELMC Annual Holiday
The ELMC Annual Holiday took place from Monday 24th to Monday 31st May 2021 at the Clifton Park Hotel, St Anne’s. The...
ELMC Supports Rochdale Family
Chris and Jeni, the parents of River Wardley from Littleborough, who suffers from a life-threatening genetic...
Rochdale District Freemasons Make The Connection
A grant of £1,289 from East Lancashire Masonic Charities has helped Rochdale Connections Trust expand their...
ELMC Donation to Cheetham Scout & Guide Group
On 11th July, a cheque for £1,560 was presented on behalf of City Derby Freemasons to the Cheetham Scout and Guide...
Bereaved teenagers supported by grant from East Lancashire Freemasons
Teenagers who are grieving following the death of a parent or other close family member will be given help and support...
Bolton’s Thomasson Memorial School
Bolton’s Thomasson Memorial School is a special school in more than one sense. Not only is it special because of...
ELMC Grant for Ethan – update
Further to the previous article we are now informed that Ethan is the proud wearer of his new shirt with the ELMC logo...
A Face Speaks a Million Words!
At the Bury District Dinner in May Chris Eccles, Bury District Charity Steward, auctioned off a TLC teddy which was...
Grace’s Place Receives a £5000 Grant
Bury Freemasons, ELMC and the MCF have come together to support Grace’s Place, a children’s hospice located in...
East Lancashire Masonic Charity Brings New Lease of Life to Bury Scout Group
Freemasonry and Scouting go together like coffee and cake – both organisations are committed to the principles of...