On Thursday 22 September 2022 the ELMC were able to hold their AGM at Audenshaw Masonic Hall, Stanley House.  Prior to that, and due to the Covid restrictions, the ELMC held the AGM digitally by Zoom.

Around fifty Brethren attended the meeting including members of the Board, Representatives from the various ELMC Committees and the RWBro Robert Frankl in his capacity as President of the Charity.

WBro Chad Northcott, Chairman of the ELMC and WBro Philip Price, Secretary of the ELMC were present in their essential roles.

Prior to the formal part of the meeting there were presentations from:

Jolly Josh, a charity who received £3,498 from the ELMC Grant Making Committee and £3498 from the Masonic Charitable Foundation [MCF]. With this they purchased a magic carpet interactive projection system. Sarah Ford (the Centre Manager) and Lillie Winterbottom (the Community Fund Raiser) made the presentation.

The second presentation came from Richard Baron, the Chairman of the 9 th Heywood (St Michael’s) Scout Group who received £2,867.50 towards the installation of acoustic panelling, also funded with an additional £1000 from the MCF.

Following the presentations there was an introduction and welcome from the President inviting the Secretary, WBro Philip Price, to take a register and to explain the voting procedure for the Appointed Representatives. Those not present had been invited to vote by Proxy.

The main business of the meeting was then conducted by the Chairman, WBro Chad Northcott. The Notice for the meeting and the Agenda and other documents had been previously circulated, the Notice being taken as read. The Secretary read out apologies for absence.

The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 30 September 2021 had been previously circulated and after being proposed and seconded the Minutes were approved without amendment.

The presentation of Accounts for the year ending 31 December 2021 was conducted by WBro David Cowen, ELMC Treasurer.  The Auditors report was presented by Andrew Warren, representing Percy Westhead and Company.  A Resolution to adopt the accounts was voted on and accepted. The Chairman thanked both the Treasurer and the Auditors for their contributions.

The next business was to elect Directors who consisted of:

Chad A Northcott Chairman of the Board & Chairman of The Grant Making Committee

Philip Price Honorary Secretary

David Cowen Honorary Treasurer

David Lightbown Chairman – Committee of Benevolence & Chairman Hewlett Court Advisory Committee

Stephen Thomson Chairman of the Fund-Raising Committee

Peter L Nicholson Chairman – Museum Committee

Julie Ward Director Operations / Non-Executive Director

William R Waite Non-Executive Director

All were unanimously re-elected and the Chairman thanked them for their past service and agreeing to continue to serve the Charity.

The auditors, Percy Westhead & Co, were re-elected for another year and thanked by the Chairman for their previous services.

Appointments were made to the ELMC Committees:
The Committee of Benevolence
The Grant Making Committee
The Fund Raising Committee
The Hewlett Court Advisory Committee
The Comforts Fund Sub-Committee
The Young People’s Sub-Committee
The Investment Committee

The Chairman thanked all those who had agreed to serve on the Committees for the coming year. He also thanked the retiring members of the committees for their valuable work without which the Charity could not continue.

The Chairman handed back to the President who expressed thanks to Julie Ward (the Operations Director), Karen Hall (the Administration Officer), Beverley Schofield (the Manager of Hewlett Court), and Rachel Cookson (Hewlett Court Team Leader) for their work within the ELMC and the additional work they do for the various committees which they support, and the work they do supporting our Provincial Festival. The President also thanked the rest of the Hewlett Court Staff, the Chairmen and the other volunteers who work on the various ELMC Committees, and all those who assist with fund raising, social functions and events.

The President also thanked all the brethren for attending the meeting and for the ongoing support that they provide for the ELMC, which has often been described as ‘Our Crown’, with Hewlett Court being the ‘jewel that adorns it’. It is greatly valued and long may it continue.

RWBro Robert Frankl considered it a great privilege to be President of the Charity.

All enjoyed conversation over some nibbles following the formal part of the evening. An excellent buffet was provided which gave an opportunity for all to mingle with the President and ELMC officers.

The Minutes of the Meeting will be published in due course.’