John Gilmour is a member of King Edward the Seventh Lodge, No 3329. John was a nurse and retired in September 2019 to...
Latest ELMC News Articles
A bit more TLC for children under the care of our wonderful NHS
East Ribble District Charity Steward Malcolm Roe recently submitted a 'Teddies Loving Care' grant request to the...
Visors for St Catherines Hospice
Based in the town of Bridgnorth in Shropshire A V Birch Ltd is an engineering company mainly involved in producing...
Ten Pin Bowling at the Rock – Tuesday 3rdApril 2018
Earlier in the year we contacted the Young People to ask their preference for an Easter activity. Overwhelmingly they...
ELMC working hand in hand with Speakeasy
Quite a lot of freemasons from Bury District met some of the organisers, clients and carers from Speakeasy when we...
Novel Donation to Lifelites – 1st June 2018
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master / Deputy President of the East Lancashire Masonic Charity was proud to present...
District Dinner Raffle
The sun was shining for Pilkington Lodge’s Bro Neil Campbell and his wife Alwyn when the District Charity Steward...
ELMC Spring Party 2018
The Comforts Fund Committee organised this year’s Spring Party at Stanley House, Manchester Road, Audenshaw on Tuesday...
ELMC Sponsored Abseil and Open Day on 7th July 2018
Fancy having a go at an abseil down Peel Tower, Ramsbottom to raise money for the ELMC and other Young People’s...
Agecroft Rowing Club Donation
The morning of March 4th was cold and bleak but down at Salford Quays the women of the Agecroft Rowing Club were...
We Love Manchester Emergency Fund – Update
The terrorist attack on May 22nd, 2017 at Manchester Arena will be in our minds forever, and our thoughts continue to...
Ecclesholme Summer Fair
The Friends of Ecclesholme Summer Fair is taking a departure from its usual venue, Elmbank, and is being hosted by...