Brian Reynolds and Sharon Hall in front of some of Noah’s Artwork Sharon Hall runs a project called...
Grant Making Committee Articles
To The Rescue Lads!
The newly furnished play area Stuart Tennant, the District Charity Steward for Ashton & Mossley...
St Joseph’s RC Primary School Receive a Donation from ELMC.
St Joseph’s RC Primary is a small primary school, based in Todmorden. Elizabeth Lloyd took over as Headteacher 18...
ELMC Supports St Peters Community Gathering
WBro Brian Reynolds recently presented an ELMC Grant Cheque for £1,077 to St Peters Community gathering. This report...
ELMC helps Tottington Library Tea Room
Following on from a lot of hard work by a large group of volunteers and the provision of significant donations from a...
New Wall at Bury Town Hall
There is an old (and wholly irreverent) quip along the lines of it being possible to have the Mayor at the formal...
The ELMC helps launch ELHT & Me Million Pound Appeal
WBro David Lightbown, PAGDC, presents a cheque for £4,650 to Denise Gee, fundraising manager for ELHT & Me An ELMC...
Bury Freemasons give Teddy Bears to Children
On this occasion, there are no safeguarding concerns because Freemasons up and down the country give teddy bears to...
Annabelle’s Challenge
Annabelle’s Challenge (or Annabelle's Challenge Vascular EDS Charity to give it its Sunday name) is a Bury based...
Freemasons Helping Deaf People to Communicate
Communic8te Bury is a local charity which aims to enhance the quality of life for people throughout Bury and the...
ELMC goes back to school with Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder is set to become a permanent fixture outside Peel Brow primary school in Ramsbottom thanks to a...
Freemasons Helping To Improve Haslingden Community
Two years ago, Haslingden Methodist Church was a regular target for attack by vandals. The 160 year old church had...