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Hewlett Court Bonfire & Firework Display

A big thank you to Manchester Level Club, Hewlett Court staff and Volunteers for putting on a great Firework’s display and Bonfire for the residents, their families and the local community on Friday 4th November. Residents, their families and friends enjoyed a Bonfire...

Holcombe Brook Primary School Autumnal Singing

The Residents thoroughly enjoyed a visit from some of the children at Holcombe Brook Primary School on Tuesday 18th October to perform some of their Autumnal songs. They did a brilliant performance which was enjoyed by all.

The Making of Harry Potter.

Monday 1st August off to bed early, alarm set for 05.30 am. Couldn't sleep the excitement was mounting going to visit Warner Bros. Studios tomorrow to see The Making of Harry Potter. The weather Gods were not kind to us it was raining throughout the journey into...

Seedfield Football Club

Seedfield Football Club applied to the ELMC Grant Making Committee in need of funds to purchase football kits, training equipment and match goals. The ELMC was happy to help and awarded their Grant to the total of £1,264. David Dunn, Steve Holland and Mike Jones from...

Clitheroe Town Centre in Bloom

In October of last year the ELMC made a Grant to Clitheroe Civic Society to purchase and stock three planters for...

Middleton Heartline Club

At a recent meeting of the ELMC Grants Committee a Grant of £1000 was awarded to Middleton Heartline Club to purchase...


The ELMC AGM will be held on September 27th 2018 at 6.30 pm at Stanley House, Manchester Road, Audenshaw M34 5GB. More...

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