Our visit to the Chill Factore marked the sixth year since the venue was added to the YPC itinerary. During that time we have seen a number of the beneficiaries acquire and develop new skills, participating in a sport that they would not have been able to without the support of the ELMC. This year’s event was attended by “TLC” and seventeen “Young People”, a mix of those who had attended previously and novices. This mix of “experience” and “novices” was apparent in those eager to get started and move their acquired skill to a higher level and the nervous excitement of the first timers in wondering how they would cope on the piste.
After the group had been booked in and we had met our coordinator for the day “Jo” the attendees were kitted out with the right equipment and introduced to their respective group’s instructor. For the beginners, the new skills make demands on sets of muscles and ligaments that are rarely used in other sports. It is harder than they imagine. After two hours on the snow, getting wet, even the most skilled are not immune to the odd spill, the group met at the climbing wall. It still surprises the group leaders how much energy the “Young People” have in reserve to engage in a series of climbs that increase in difficulty. The younger members soon lose their fear of heights and demonstrate feats of strength and balance that have their parents looking on in awe and admiration.
The adventures on the snow and climbing wall develop large appetites. Nandos is conveniently located next to the climbing wall. After everybody had eaten and their parents / guardians had arrived, all of the attendees said their goodbyes and left, tired, feeling the affect on muscles not often used but uninjured, expressing a desire to do it all again.
TLC keeping a watchful eye on our young people, the snowboarding group to his left and to his right the ‘Beginners Group’
TLC with one of his North American Friends
Rock climbing, for the first time by two of our younger members