Christmas Day commenced with a visit by the members of Arkscroll Lodge which the Residents look forward to every year. The Lodge members join with all the Residents singing carols and drinking coffee and rum! They bring a gift of chocolates for each Resident for which we are very grateful.

At 1pm the Residents enjoyed an excellent Christmas lunch together with some added Christmas Cheer! Thank You to the Lodges and Districts that made donations towards the ”huge” amount of drinks we consume

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New Year commenced with a buffet prepared by Mel and Mariya. The Residents were then entertained by the North East Production Company who put on an excellent performance of a “Christmas Carol”.
The drinks flowed with lots of singing, dancing and party games taking us through to 2015.
Thank you to all who have taken an interest in Hewlett Court during 2014.

On behalf of all the Residents, Management Team, staff and Committee Members we wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

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