
The Hewlett Court Committee

Twice in the year, the Hewlett Court Management Committee assembles with a Sub-committee of of the Residents, to hear any suggestions they may bring to improve things, and to discuss future planning for the Home. The latest meeting took place on the 10th of December had an added item on their agenda.

The RWBro. Sir David Trippier, RD, JP, DL,theProvincial Grand Master for East Lancashire, was in attendance accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Derek Nelson Thornhill, PGSwdB.

A tour round the building was the first item of the day, during which time they spoke with as many of the residents as was possible on a one to one basis.

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The PGM, accompanied by the Deputy PGM address the meeting.

Following the tour, the PGM addressed the Committee discussing the ideas for the future development of the Home, and means of creating additional financial support.

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Dining follows a successful crossing of ideas.

As is expected, the PGM and his Deputy are always extremely busy on our behalf, and this day proved to be no exception. At the conclusion of their visit, they were heading to London in preparation for the meeting of United Grand Lodge the following day.

The Management Committee Meeting is held in two sessions; the morning is for the resident’s representatives to present to the committee their suggestions or grievances all of which will lead to an improvement of the facilities. Unfortunately Mrs Margaret Murray had to hold the fort as her colleague WBro Roy Faulkner was too ill to attend.  The afternoon meeting is for the Management Committee general business.


Mrs Murray puts forward the resident’s comprehensive list to the Chairman, WBro Alan Smith.

The Director of Operations, Julie Ward and the Care Manager, Alison Emmott, are also in attendance taking note and advising on any issues regarding the home.

Following lunch, the Management Committee then tend to the business of running the home. Each member has his/her own speciality which can be called upon for the wellbeing and economical running of our Home.

There are room vacancies at Hewlett Court at the moment and the Chairman, Alan D P Smith, and his team would urge any Brother or Companion who knows of masons and / or their family who are struggling at home, or perhaps those living alone, or who are perhaps lonely, to contact Julie Ward for more information on 01204 887531


Sir David inspects the conservatory
