What a magical day we had on Sunday 23rd December!
We had the brilliant Tottington Brass Band in to perform, they did an astounding performance and everyone gathered in the main lounge to hear them play. The ladies and gents sang along to Festive Favourites and had a delicious refreshment of mulled wine as they watched. Members of the band also enjoyed the treat after they had finished their performance.
A Special Guest then arrived – SANTA!
Family and friends gathered to meet him, including a special little someone, Jack, Bev’s grandson whose first time it was to meet him.
The ladies and gents got to make their Christmas wishes with him and were presented with a surprise Christmas gift!
To finish off a festive afternoon, the Christmas Grand Raffle was drawn! Well done to all our winners, who will be contacted today if not present.
A big thank you to everyone who has bought tickets and to all those who donated some of our fabulous prizes!
Merry Christmas to all!!