On Wednesday the 8th May at Hewlett Court, our RWPGM, Sir David Trippier, received from David McNally, the Community Resuscitation Manager for the North West Ambulance Service, a donation of two Automatic Lifepak Defibrillators, which will be sited for use at Hewlett Court and Freemasons Hall, Bridge Street.
On hand to see the presentation were WBro Brian Carter, the Provincial Grand Almoner, WBro Alan Smith. the Chairman of Hewlett Court and Mrs Julie Ward, the Operations Manager.
WBro Brian Carter, David McNally, Sir David Trippier, Julie Ward and WBro Alan Smith
The Difibrillator Presented to Hewlett Court
While at Hewlett Court Sir David took the opportunity to chat with several of the residents who were enjoying taking part in a quiz whilst taking their morning tea and biscuits.
Sir David chats with Sybil, Nellie and Elsie