Slava’s Snowshow is an experience. Its creator and star, Slava Polunin, says about the creation of the show and its main character – Assissai.
“One day I realised that I wanted to create a show that would take us back to our childhood dreams; A show which would help spectators be released from the jail of adulthood and rediscover their forgotten childhood. Having chosen the path of theatre, I sought a way to endow it with a new spirit. I wanted to dive inside tragicomedy, to measure the extent to which one can fuse drama with laughter .I wanted to reunite in my character both the epic and lyrical, tenderness and passion, wisdom and naïveness.”
It is a concept that the members of the audience either get or don’t succumb to.
“What a bizarre, funny and very entertaining show!”, “I didn’t understand it” these were the views of two of members of the Young Peoples’ Committee who were at the latest event, Slava’s Snowshow. The other adults in the party, parents / guardians and committee members were mixed in their reaction to the show.
The Young People who were present couldn’t stop laughing and were totally immersed in the performance. Our group of Young People, aged from eleven to twenty, were quickly able to re-enter there childhoods and participated enthusiastically in the experience.
The show is bizarre, funny and very entertaining. It is also escapism and refreshingly devoid of any hidden messages. Pure fun and laughter. It is good to regain childhood if only for two and a half hours.
Friday 27th October was the date chosen for our visit to the Lowry. The group, fourteen Young People and six parents / guardians, met at the Real China Buffet in the Lowry Outlet Mall for a meal before walking across to the Lyric Theatre.