Colin Weemes, from Abbey Lodge, approached the District Charity Stewards to ask for help in funding a new outdoor building for the pupils of St Peters school in Simonstone, near Burnley, in memory of Mrs Claire Rossi, a much-loved teacher who passed away due to cancer. Colin Weemes’ wife, Katherine, is a governor at the school along with Alan Davis.
The building is called the Daisy hut after Claire’s favourite flower, and with a donation of £300 from the District fund and £335 from East Lancashire Masonic Charity, the school were delighted to be able to meet the cost of the Daisy Hut and the children have, and will, continue to make great use of it.
After a long covid delay, the official opening and blessing of St Peters new Daisy Hut and Peace Garden, in loving memory of Mrs Rossi, took place on Wednesday 8th of December 2021.
Colin Weemes, his wife Katherine and the Burnley and Pendle District Charity Steward, Ray Evans, began the day with an excellent tour of the school, its classrooms, facilities, and different year groups. Marcus, a final year student was our very knowledgable and enthusiastic guide, a great advert for a very successful school.

After giving a wave to Colin and Katherine’s children in their respective classes we headed to the assemlby hall in the older part of the school, where we were treated to a delighful presentation by Bishop Phillip, The Bishop of Burnley, on Advent, ably assisted by severval of the pupils. Followed by a look at the wonderful pictures the children had produced with the help of a local artist Edward Foster who was present too.
They then all proceeded to the Peace Garden and Daisy Hut, fully funded by the Burnley & District masons and ELMC, for the blessing by Bishop Phillip and readings from some of the pupils taught by Claire Rossi.
Claire’s husband and son, finished a very moving, warm and loving tribute to her and thanked everyone for the wonderful dedication in her memory. It was heart warming to see how we as local Freemasons could make a lasting postive diffrence to enhance the lives of these young children in a lovely meaningful tribute to a dearly loved teacher..
Article and Picture – Ray Evans