Sir David Trippier, Provincial Grand Master, was in attendance to open the course for the newly appointed Provincial Welfare Officers for the Province of East Lancashire.




Sir David commented on the value of the new initiative by the Central Masonic Charities in appointing dedicated trained welfare officers with the aim of improving the quality of service given to the brethren and their families.


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The Province has appointed 12 Provincial Welfare Officers who after the training will be part of a team structure dealing with the Central Masonic Charities by visiting members and completing applications for assistance.

The course was led by the Learning and Development Officer from Grand Charity, Alex Taylor, assisted by Elaine Hanson a member of the Charities Care and Support Team.




VW Bro Derek N. Thornhill Deputy PGM attended on the last day of the course to give the closing remarks to the group saying that this was a new beginning for the Provincial Welfare Team, and that all the team members had been selected because of their skill set, experience and dedication to welfare within the Province.

