Online Application ELMC Online Grant Application Form Applicant Application From Telephone Address Postcode Email Lodge/Chapter Number District Charity or Organisation Name of Charity or Organisation Contact Name Contact E-mail address Contact Telephone Brief Description of Charity/Organisation who you assist and services you provide Accounts Available YesNo How many people does your organisation directly help each year? Is this a registered charity YesNo Charity Number Please give a brief description of the benefits of the Grant to the Charity/Organisation, to the recipients of your work and to the community in General Please give details of the specific projects and/or timescales Will the initiative for the funds actively involve Freemasons? YesNo If yes, please identify what form of involvement Details of any additional funds to be/being contributed by the Lodge/Chapter/District The Grant What is the value of the grant you wish to apply for? What is the total cost of your project? How do you intend to fund the balance? Have you previously received funding from a Masonic organisation in the past? YesNo If yes, please give details Publicity Please tick this box to signify that you will support publicity at the point of donation and at later dates where we will be able to report on the impact our grant has made to your organisation Accept What publicity will be generated both in Masonic and Non-Masonic news media?: Please summarise what action you will take to promote your grant from the ELMC. Please note if successful you will receive a 'Promote your Grant' pack with a template press release and social media to support your promotion efforts Additional Information Please give any other details that may assist your application [cf7sr-simple-recaptcha] Send