Mrs May Ledger celebrated her 90th Birthday on Wednesday 2nd April and a good time was had by all. Brian and Barry, her sons, attended along with other family members. Her friends from the Mothers’ Union and all residents and staff at Hewlett Court  joined in the celebrations. After toasting May,  Carol played the piano as we all sang Happy Birthday after which it was time to cut the cake. What a beautiful cake it was,  made by Sue,  May’s daughter in law. The drinks flowed as everyone had the party atmosphere. Hewlett Court was buzzing with People, we even ran out of chairs. May even spoke with Simon her grandson on Skype over in Australia
May has been a resident at Hewlett Court for over 4  years. We will all look forward to celebrating her 100th Birthday Party with her!!!!


Mrs May Ledger with her sons Brian (left) and Barry (right)


May’s Birthday Cake


Cutting the Cake


May with her Great Grand Daughter, Bella