We are happy to announce that we have been successful in gaining some funding from the ELMC (East Lancashire Masonic Charity) for Prevent Breast Cancer (https://preventbreastcancer.org.uk/) a specialised charity based at Wythenshawe Hospital the only UK breast cancer charity funding ground-breaking research solely aimed at preventing the disease for future generations.
With everyone’s help, the charities research will one day bring about a world where breast cancer is preventable and thousands of lives are saved from ever experiencing this terrible disease.

From Left to Right: Christina Lee-Jones (Trustee PBC), Tony Stephenson (Derby Charity Steward), Nikki Barraclough (Exec Director PBC), Stephen Thompson (Sykes Charity Steward), Chris Armstrong (Sykes District Dep. Chairman), Chris Wildman (Sykes District Chairman)
Prevent Breast Cancer raised £2 million towards the building of The Nightingale Centre – Europe’s first purpose-built breast cancer prevention centre, since then they have worked with internationally renowned scientists to work towards preventing breast cancer.

Our funding has helped the charity make some “short video’s” for people around the world to watch not just to raise awareness about breast cancer, but to also help point them in the right direction and help people make choices about the next steps.
The charities future is looking ultra promising as they plan the next step in their journey that will be the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) which will address a shortage of highly trained personnel needed.

“For many years breast centres across the country have struggled to provide a service for patients because of a severe shortage of radiologists and radiographers – those who take the mammograms, read the images and perform the scans and biopsies to diagnose the cancers. Now because of Coronavirus, this problem has become even greater and unless we act now many women with breast cancer will have their diagnosis delayed and may as a result die.”
If you or someone close to you may feel they need help with any issues mentioned above please visit https://preventbreastcancer.org.uk/ for more information about the charity and ways they can help you, remember the earlier the problem is found the earlier it can be dealt with.