Hewlett Court Sheltered Accommodation facility is described as the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of East Lancashire Freemasonry. Owned and operated by the East Lancashire Masonic Charity [ELMC], Hewlett Court is situated in Holcombe Brook, in the North of Bury. It was opened in 1979 as a Masonic Retirement Home for the elderly and has recently been extended to provide excellent accommodation. Hewlett Court prides itself on supporting individuals in an independent, safe, friendly, and caring environment.
The home stands in its own private grounds with extensive lawned areas and a secluded inner courtyard garden where residents can sit and relax in the fresh air.

ELMC volunteer, WBro Paul Sellers, took on the task of maintaining the grounds of Hewlett Court and proudly displays a badge of ‘Head Groundsman’. Cutting this huge area of grass meant that Paul needed a ‘sit on’ motorised mowing machine. When their Masonic Hall was sold, Farnworth Masons very generously donated £5000 to the ELMC, the cost of a brand new machine.

Paul was obviously delighted with this new acquisition, to the extent that he had a number plate made – HC1. This plate also recognises the donation made by Farnworth Masons.

Paul now spends several hours a week grass cutting, but in addition he also looks after the rest of the grounds, including the gardens and the surrounding areas. Trees and shrubs need to be controlled, weeds removed, flower tubs arranged and filled and a massive amount of leaves collected and removed.
Paul would really welcome a volunteer or two, ladies or gents, to assist him in keeping the grounds at their best. Even if you only have a few hours a week spare to assist, Paul would be delighted to hear from you. You can contact him on 07525133565 or pasellers@me.com

Report by Gerry Russell, ELMC Communications Officer
Pictures by Rachel Cookson and Gerry Russell