

ELMC Director of Operations Julie Ward

This is the face of someone who has just been bullied and harassed into joining the 8 person team to do a parachute jump in the aid of ELMC… Put this date in your diaries and circulate 14 May 2016




Burnley and Pendle District Freemasons Sponsored Tandem Sky Dive 2016 in aid of The East Lancashire Masonic Charities

A team of 7 freemasons from the Burnley and Pendle District area  and one young lady from Hewlett Court Bury, intend to do a Tandem parachute jump at the Skydive St. George, The Old Armoury, Durham Tees Valley Airport, DL2 1LU.

The event will take place on the 14th May of 2016 this will give our eight willing victims enough time to collect sponsorship which is in aid of the ELMC.

The event will entail the eight persons jumping from the light aircraft at around 12 thousand feet, each being attached to a fully qualified Tandem Instructor. The pair will then freefall at speeds in excess of 120 miles per hour for about 30 seconds or about seven thousand feet before the parachute is deployed, the pair will then descend in a controlled manner before gently returning back to terra firma .we hope.

The cost of this Parachute jump would normally be around the £250 mark but my son who will be the Tandem instructor will be contributing his time which would normally be £50 per student and the jump school also deducting £50 per student, with a total cost to the Jumpers Lodge ( If the Lodge agrees to sponsor their member) of £150 per student. (£1200 total cost) This includes the parachute packers fee.( As a measure I can say when my wife did this parachute jump , she raised £1000 and paid on top of this  for her own jump which was then £250.)

We would have around 7 months to promote this and the only thing I can’t guarantee is the weather. If the weather was bad we would be able to delay the jump indefinitely.

Depending on how many people we get, would depend if we get a minibus for the journey.

Accommodation can be had for approx £30 per double room at the nearby hotel this again would be at our own expense. Wives, Girlfriends and friends would be able to come along again at their own expense. More information will be given once we have the eight brave names which up to this date are as follows:

Mark Barlow – Pendle Lodge 4703
Ian MacDonald- Three Chalices Lodge 8249
Stephen Jansen – P.L.i.M
Steve Hobson – Borough and Ashlar Lodge 4858
David Hawkins – Colne Lodge 4402
Simon Capstick – Abbey Lodge 2529
Stephen Rothwell – Royal Lancs 116
Mrs Julie Ward – Hewlett Court D.o.O

The intention of this jump is to raise as much monies as possible for the E.L.M.C. So please carry your sponsor sheets in your pocket wherever you go.






Steve Hobson – “I’m doing it for those who can’t do it”



David Hawkins – “I’m doing it for the craic”



Mark barlow – “I jumped at the chance”



Julie Ward – “I’ve been gently persuaded”



Simon Capstick – “Just face your fears and do it”



Ian Mcdonald – “I’m going down so ELMC funds can go up”

Steve Rothwell – “I’ve spent all my life falling on my face so, to raise money doing it seemed to make sense”

Further information will follow.


Walter Coupe