Rochdale District kindly donated ten tickets to their VE Day celebrations to residents of Hewlett Court

Evelyn Handforth – Memories for World War Two

Friday the 8th May took Evelyn back to her days as a land girl. Rochdale Masonic Hall celebrated VE Day in style, with a three course meal, brass band and footage of VE Day. Many had dressed for the occasion in uniforms and Evelyn loved it.

Evelyn recalls receiving six weeks training in Staffordshire at a big house to learn about farming. Milking cows and driving tractors was Evelyn’s daily routine.  Evelyn was only eighteen year old when she was called to serve her country.   I asked Evelyn if she was wounded in the war Evelyn informed me only by the cows kicking her and laughs.

Evelyn missed her family greatly and would cry herself to sleep most nights. She missed her mum terribly and would be in bed by 8.30pm every night.  Evelyn dearly wanted to return home. Eventually Evelyn went AWOL from the land army and later left with a bad back due to bending all the time. Evelyn was so relieved when she finally left the army and when VE Day came she was glad it was all over.

Evelyn said she would love to relive her youth again as she feels she missed out due to being in the land army.

The land army wasn’t recognised for what they did in the Second World War  for many years but Evelyn now feels that is it and she has a medal kept in her jewellery box which Evelyn is very proud off.

Evelyn finished off by saying she had a lovely time at Rochdale Masonic Hall, it brought back many memories and some of the songs made her feel very emotional. Evelyn danced the night away and had a ball!!!!!


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How this photo might have looked on VE Day






