Grant Making Committee

The Grants Committee considers applications and recommendations from Charity Stewards of Lodges and Chapters, from District Charity Stewards and from local Charities and Good Causes, for funds to Benefit charitable or benevolent work in the local community.

Preference is given to organisations in which Freemasons are actively involved.

Organisations that are unlikely to qualify for a grant include those connected with a political party or an animal cause, or do not operate within the boundaries of this Province. National charities who already receive support from Grand Charity and individuals will not normally be considered.

Lodge or Chapter Charity Stewards should submit their applications to the District Charity Steward who will pass them on to the Secretary of the Grant making Committee following approval by the District Chairman and District Charity Steward.

Since it was formed in 2006, the Community Fund has extended and boosted charitable activity within local communities. It receives requests from Lodges, Chapters, Districts and local community charities for support for projects and good causes in which Brethren are actively involved and also for grants to assist local charities which fall within the agreed parameters.

During 2019, 53 grants were made by the Fund to charities and good causes, at a cost of £74,000.

Full details of grants made can be seen on this website here.

Grant Application Form – pdf Version

Grant Application Form – MS Word Version


ELMC Grant Application

The Community Fund was established as a result of the Grand Master’s address made in April 2006, as a vehicle to reconnect Freemasonry with our local communities, and discharge that responsibility of Caring for those in Need.

This fund has now been superseded by The ELMC Grant Making Commmittee.


Purpose of the Committee

To consider funding and supporting charities and other good causes that are proposed by individuals, Lodges, Chapters and Districts within the Province of East Lancashire, and to encourage the active involvement of brethren within the community. To also consider applications made by individuals or organisations from our local communities.

Appointment of Chairman

The President will nominate the Chairman who will be elected annually by voting members at the AGM. The elected Chairman would become a Director / Trustee and Board member of the East Lancashire Masonic Charity.

Committee Membership

Provincial Grand Master [President of ELMC], Deputy Provincial Grand Master [Vice President of ELMC], an Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Provincial Grand Almoner, Provincial Grand Charity Steward, ELMC Communications Officer, the Secretary of ELMC other members as appointed by the Chairman and one other to act as Secretary.


Four members of the Grant Making Committee.


Meetings will be held at Hewlett Court. The day and time for meetings to be agreed by the committee annually, a minimum of four per year.

Delegated Powers

In special circumstances e.g. responses to urgent requests for support, the Provincial Grand Master, Chairman plus the Secretary of the ELMC are empowered to take appropriate decisions and actions, if any of the above are not available a Committee Member could act as substitute.


A separate account will be held within the books of the ELMC, which will show clearly the income and expenditure of the fund. Members will receive the annual accounts and report of the ELMC, which will include details of the activities of the Grants Fund.

UGLE Charities

Wherever relevant the Committee should involve the Masonic Charity Foundation in our East Lancashire Community activity.


All key communications to external media and internal communications media must be approved by the Chairman or the ELMC Secretary.

Responsibilities of the Charity Steward and Almoner

The key responsibility of the Charity Steward is to generate funds, fund contributions for charities and other good causes and to generate involvement of brethren in Community Projects. The key responsibility of the Almoner is the care, and where required, the financing for the care of brethren / companions, and dependants.


The ELMC Grants Committee will consider all non-Masonic applications for funding whether made from within the Province (from a ‘subscribing’ individual, ‘member’ Lodge / Chapter or District) or from outside the Province. In the latter case they will link the application with the closest District or the District where the community will be benefitting.

The committee will continue to applaud and recognise cases where there is active Masonic involvement and which will seek promotion of contributions via press, other media or with branding. The Committee will also arrange for audit of a significant number of approved grants each year. Completed application forms will be signed by the applicant, viewed by the APGM and signed by the District Chairman and District Charity Steward.

Recipients need not be registered Charities.

Where there are limited funds then the Committee will reserve the right to distribute funds fairly across the Province. Any single approved grant exceeding £5000 will be referred to the Board of the ELMC for sanction or otherwise.

Charitable Causes the Fund will support:

The relief of poverty

The provision of education

The promotion of improving health or saving lives

The promotion or encouragement of citizenship and / or community development

Organisations or events relating to acts of culture, heritage or science

Amateur sport

The advancement of human rights

The protection or improvement of the environment

The granting of relief by reason of age, youth, ill health, disability or financial hardship

Animal welfare


The armed services, police and fire services

Activities analogous to the above

Charitable Causes the Fund won’t support

Grants will not be made to National Charities except where supporting a specific local event or action or supporting an autonomous branch

Grants to organisations supported by Grand Charity unless there is a specific local need which will be administered locally

Grants that do not benefit those living within the boundaries of the Province

The Committee will also consider requests for donations supporting the Festivals or comparable events in other Provinces. Such donations, if approved, will be extra to and not part of the budget allocated to the Grant Making Committee.

A Meeting of the Committee with Karen Hall, ELMC Administrator, taking minutes and Rachel Cookson, ELMC Project Leader, observing.

Chad Northcott, PSGD, PAPGM

Chad Northcott, PSGD, PAPGM


Karen Hall

Karen Hall


David Hudson

David Hudson

Provincial Grand Almoner (ex officio)

Peter Faulkner

Peter Faulkner


David Dunn

David Dunn

Deputy Chairman

Rev David Halford

Rev David Halford


Bob Findley

Bob Findley

Provincial Grand Charity Steward (ex officio)

Gerry Russell

Gerry Russell

Communications Officer

Mrs Julie Ward

Mrs Julie Ward

Director of Operations

John Farrington

John Farrington

Deputy President