The first ELMC Friend’s Draw was made at Provincial Grand Lodge last month and resulted in the winner Bro Alex Capewell, from the Lodge of Naphtali No. 266, being presented with his cheque for one hundred pounds. The actual presentation was made by WBro Brian Weatherall, the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master, at the Lodge of Naphtali’s Installation held recently in Rochdale. Bro Capewell, SW of the Lodge, was pleasantly surprised when informed of his win and for a time, loss for words ! !. Three Draws will now take place during each Masonic Year.
The ELMC are actively encouraging Brethren and Companions to become a ‘ Friend ‘ by committing to a minimum donation of £5 per month ( Standing Order ) or an Annual donation of not less than £60. As a result you will receive a personalised Membership Card, the right to wear a distinctive Lapel Badge and of course a personal entitlement to be entered into the periodic Prize Draws!.
Your donation qualifies you as a ‘ Friend ‘ for the current year and then for each consecutive year, as long as your Standing Order or Annual amount paid continues.
The ELMC ‘ Making A Donation ‘ Forms are available from your District Charity Steward or downloading from the Website : and once completed please return to your Lodge / Chapter Charity Steward or direct to the ELMC Office at Hewlett Court. ‘ Gift Aid It ‘ to also boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate.
Thank you in anticipation of your kind response. The ELMC does need your personal valued SUPPORT and COMMITMENT NOW !. — ‘ We’re here to care ‘.
In the picture are WBro Ken Davies, Provincial Grand Charity Steward, WBro Brian Weatherall, Representative of the RWProv Grand Master,
Bro Alex Capewell SW and Bro Andrij Korolczuk, WM Lodge of Naphtali No 266.