Following on from a lot of hard work by a large group of volunteers and the provision of significant donations from a local business – who asked to remain anonymous – and the East Lancs Masonic Charity – who will take every opportunity for publicity, the Tottington Centre formally re-opened its doors on Tuesday 14th March.

The Tottington Centre incorporates the library, some meeting rooms and in a relatively short time, there will be a café. The library itself has been open for the past few weeks and there are a variety of organisations using the rooms throughout the building. The ELMC has donated money for the volunteers to set up the café, and the negotiations for it to start are well in hand following the purchase of some tables and chairs and the donation of some crockery. The ELMC’s involvement is already being publicly acknowledged

The formal opening was carried out by the Mayor of Bury, Cllr Dorothy Gunther. There was a splendid (and yummy) cake which represented two of the major aspects of the venture – the library and the café. Three representatives of the Freemasons were there to witness the formal opening, namely Stan Jackson the Charity Steward for Salford District; Kirk Mulhearn the Provincial Charity Steward; and Steve Clark the Charity Steward for Bury District. They are pictured outside the building with Cllr Yvonne Wright who has been the major driver behind the initiative and Cllr Gunther.


From the Bury Times, March 1st 2018