Every year the Bury Society for Blind and Partially Sighted People organises an outing for approximately 90 people, which they have done for the past 20 years. The average age of attendees is 70 and for many it is the only trip they feel comfortable in attending, as volunteers are on hand to help out if required. Carers are also encouraged to join their partners to give them a break too.

Last year the trip was to Millstones in Harrogate where members were treated to a meal and an afternoon of entertainment at a cost of £1,976.40. After a successful bid by Bury District Charity Steward, WBro Steve Holland, the Grant Making Committee were pleased to make a grant to cover this cost.


WBro Steve Holland presents the ELMC cheque for £1,976.40 to Jill Logan, the CEO of the Society, in the company of, left to right, Roy Smithies, Tracey Marno, Michael Moore, all Trustee/Directors of the Society, and Rosemary Spann, a member of the Society.