A recent application to the ELMC Community Fund for a grant was made by WBro Andrew Deas of the Lodge of St John No 191 on behalf of the Cotton Shed Theatre Company.The Cotton Shed Theatre Company is East Lancashire’s only inclusive theatre company where everone is welcome to join one of their groups; from children to young and mature adults, regardless of ability or background.
Participants can be able bodied or they may have physical and/or learning difficulties or other additional needs.
Many individuals are prevented from accessing the creativity of drama by ‘invisible barriers’ because the extra care, attention and support they need is not available. Cotton Shed provides this because at the heart of all their hard work is their belief that everyone’s creativity counts.
Their inclusive creative working process means that every individual is encouraged to contribute ideas for themes and direction, to workshops and productions, as part of a collaborative process, each as a valued member of the group. The have found that this approach not only increases confidence, it improves social skills and develops talent often previously hidden.

The Cotton Shed Theatre Company were in need of a good computer to assist them in their work and applied for a grant of £1,999.00 to purchase an Apple iMac which the Community Fund Committee were pleased to support.

The cheque was duly presented by WBro Malcolm Ashton, Bury District Charity Steward, on Tuesday March 10th at Haslingden Primary School where the Theatre Company have their base.



WbroMalcolm Ashton presents the ELMC Cheque to Catherine Eddisford, the Cotton Shed Artistic Director, accompanied by WBro John Oversby, the Charity Steward of the Lodge of St John