The Charity Steward of Cromwell with Papyrean Lodge,5771, WBro Barrie Holder, recently made a successful bid to the Community Fund for a grant to fund the provision of a ramp to assist disabled users of Bury Cancer Care Centre.
This centre moved last summer from it’s previous home to the former Abbeyfield Society Care Home on Bolton Road, Bury, and after an eight week re-furbihsment program opened it’s doors last September. The centre received support in both labour and materials from many local businesses which it values at in excess of £50,000. However, access for those in wheelchairs or with disabilities was diffficult so the Community Fund grant of £1,596 for a ramp at the front entrance will be much appreciated.
WBro Malcolm Ashton, Bury District Charity Steward, presents the heque to Mrs Jan Katana, the Care Centre Manager, accompanied by Bro Rob Ashton, WM of Cromwell with Papyrean, Mrs Maura Hudson, a Key worker and WBro Barrie Holder
An anonymous businessman purchased Abbeyfield House and rented it back to the Care Centre under a 10 year tenancy agreement.
Bury Cancer Care Centre Manager, Mrs Jan Katana, said ‘We have been overwhelmed by the support amd generosity of local businesses and organisations who have helped us. We woulfd have been unable to achieve such success without their support.’