Comforts Fund Committee

The prime function of the Comforts Fund Committee is to support the day to day work of the Committee of Benevolence by administering monetary gifts at Birthday and Christmas and organising social functions during the course of the year.

The Comforts Fund organises a traditional programme of events each year in the form of;

Spring Party

Annual weeks holiday

Autumn outing

In addition, each beneficiary receives a birthday gift of £30 and a Christmas gift of £125.

Alston Hall

Alston Hall


Mrs Julie Ward

Mrs Julie Ward

Director of Operations

Harold Cooper

Harold Cooper


Jim Hilton

Jim Hilton


Chairman of the Committee of Benevolence

Chairman of the Committee of Benevolence

Ex Officio Member

Beverley Schofield

Beverley Schofield


Rachel Cookson

Rachel Cookson
