Grant Making Committee Articles

New Wall at Bury Town Hall

There is an old (and wholly irreverent) quip along the lines of it being possible to have the Mayor at the formal opening of a window. However it is fact that on Monday 5th March, the Mayor of Bury, Cllr Dorothy Gunther was at the formal opening of a wall in the Town...

The ELMC helps launch ELHT & Me Million Pound Appeal

WBro David Lightbown, PAGDC, presents a cheque for £4,650 to Denise Gee, fundraising manager for ELHT & Me An ELMC Grant of £4650 was the first donation in the East Lancashire Hospital Trusts Charity ELHT&Me Million Pound appeal, which was launched at a...

Bury Freemasons give Teddy Bears to Children

On this occasion, there are no safeguarding concerns because Freemasons up and down the country give teddy bears to hospitals so that children who attend there can feel better about their situation by cuddling a teddy. Jesse Riley, the charity steward for Cromwell...

Annabelle’s Challenge

Annabelle’s Challenge (or Annabelle's Challenge Vascular EDS Charity to give it its Sunday name) is a Bury based registered charity run by Jared Griffin. His daughter Annabelle is the focus of Jared’s efforts. Annabelle’s Challenge is the leading charity in the world...

St Peter’s Community Gathering

Earlier in the year Brian Reynolds, on behalf of the Ashton and Mossley District, made a successful  application...