Our Easter outing this year was a visit to the Hollywood Bowl, Bury, followed by a meal at the Chinese Buffet. Fourteen Young People, accompanied by eight parents / guardians along with six YPC committee members met at the bowling alley on the afternoon of 4th April for two hours of bowling. After everybody had arrived and the team selections agreed the contest began. The rules were simple, the competitor with the highest score at the end of the contest would be crowned the winner. Some committee members / parents / guardians were dismayed when told that their scores would be discounted from the competition. The contest was fast and furious. The sledging and attempted distractions on the committee members alley was disgraceful but Paul held his nerve to finish with the best score. Closely followed by Karen and Gary. Everybody was enjoying the contest and the company of their teammates, so much so, that the booked two hours flew by.

After a short presentation to the winner and distribution of an easter egg to each Young Person it was time to take the escalator down one floor to the Chinese Buffet. We had visited the buffet before but something was distinctly different. There are no food stations where you collect your food. What is going on?

The head waiter came across to explain that we would have to download an app to view the range of food on offer and enter our table number. If you are confused about downloading or using a phone app it’s best to ask the nearest seven year old. Having consulted with the younger members in our group we were soon ordering our food.
Our selection of food arrived quickly and was delivered by a Robot! A friendly, patient and polite robot. The robot service must be a first in Greater Manchester but it works. You can eat as much as you like from the menu. Some went through the card from starters to desserts and then began at the beginning again. Eventually even the greatest appetites had been satisfied and it was time for our goodbyes.

Thanks to Karen for the bookings at the bowling alley and chinese buffet and coordinating the invitations and replies. All of the committee members for their help on the day. The receptionist at the bowling alley for her help in setting up the lanes, the human presence at the Chinese Buffet in guiding us on downloading the menu app, the seven year olds who set up app and of course the robots for their friendly service and never once saving “ we will exterminate, exterminate”.