Salford District recently applied for ELMC Grant assistance to support the equipping of two new rooms in a house that had been donated to Salford  Women’s Aid, at a cost of £620 each. The District also funded a room as did Maritime Lodge 3025. The MCF (RCG) also contributed  £1240 for the final two rooms.

On Thursday 23rd July Salford District presented a cheque  to Dawn Redshaw, Fundraising Manager, for £2480. On Friday the MCF [RCG] gave £1240 making a total of £3720. The whole house has therefore been funded by Freemasonry.

The Brethren of Salford District have been donating furniture, cloths, toys, pots, pans and other house hold items. Teddies are also being supplied for the children.

The photo above shows the presentation, from left to right; Peter Tong, District Secretary; Dawn Redshaw, Fund Raising Manager; Ian MacNeill, District Charity Steward, and Peter Hegarty, District Chairman.


Report from Ian MacNeill