From The Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Provinvcial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire

We will all be aware of the recent flooding which has now impacted on large areas of our Province and our neighbours.

The damage and distress now experienced in parts of East Lancashire will mean that some of our own members will have undoubtedly been affected – and we have all seen throughout the media how extensive this now is.

At this most difficult time therefore, it is vital that we are all vigilant to any need and hardship, especially amongst those who are elderly and disabled, but anybody from our extended family directly affected by the flooding.

We have a fantastic membership in East Lancashire who time and again, demonstrate their caring and compassionate nature. A simple telephone call to those of our members in the affected areas can be worth so much and I urge each and every member of our Lodges to consider who might benefit from such a call. And this is not just a matter for our Lodge Almoners. We know our own members and their needs and we can all play a part in caring to care.

Our charitable capability is here to assist if required, but the practical help we can all give now is what is important.

From those who have been affected, I sincerely hope that the hardship and distress you have experienced is soon relieved and I am sure all of East Lancashire will join me in sending their very best wishes.

VWBro Derek N. Thorhill

Deputy Provincial Grand Master







Many people across East Lancashire and Greater Manchester have suffered severe damage to their properties and in some cases have been left without vital supplies.
There are those who, because of the flooding, have been made to leave their homes and seek emergency accommodation. And although it may not now be item number one on the news, the hardship continues.
The East Lancashire Masonic Charity has ‘Ring Fenced’ a fund for Flood Relief for East Lancashire Freemasons, their dependants and people in our local Communities. This, combined with a donation from the Provincial Grand Master’s Discretionary Fund has already reached several thousand pounds.  If you are able to contribute to this either personally or via your Lodge or Chapter, you may send financial donations to Hewlett Court with cheques made payable to ELMC to:

FAO Julie Ward
Hewlett Court Retirement Home
Newcombe Road, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 9XJ

Or alternatively pay directly into East Lancashire Masonic Charity:
Account Number 88503372
 Sort Code 01-10-01

Please Specify that the donation is for flood relief with your communication or with your payment.
You can email:  or telephone: 01204 887531

You can also contact the Provincial Grand Almoner, WBro Brian Carter: or telephone: 01706 214710.

A ‘Just Giving’ Page for flood relief donations will go live at some stage during the week commencing 11 January 2016.
We will notify you here when it is.


You can also donate by text



You are also able to assist people affected within the Province of East Lancashire who are in need with practical things. Some of the obvious things have been identified as:
Sleeping bags; blankets; towels; new essential clothing; pet food; canned food; torches with batteries, second hand furniture, toiletries and of course, money.
Collection points for non-perishable items are being sourced but in the first instance, they can be delivered to Hewlett Court. PLEASE ensure that you contact them ( 01204 887531) before visiting to ensure that the staff are available.
As an organisation we are committed to Care in the Community. Let us now show that we stand by that commitment.

Ken Davies – Provincial Grand Charity Steward

Brian Carter – Provincial Grand Almoner