It was my great pleasure to meet Elizabeth Johnson-McDonald aged 4 years, at the PGLEL Arcade evening in Bury on 21 January 2024. Elizabeth has a rare chromosome disorder which has resulted in her having a growth disorder, a hole in her heart, learning difficulties, severe mobility issues and sensory processing disorders. Despite all her difficulties Elizabeth is a delightful child and it was very humbling to meet her. Elizabeth needs a specialist wheelchair to fit her small size. The ELMC approved a grant £2587.50 to cover the difference between the cost of special wheelchair and the NHS voucher. Elizabeth’s mother, Sophie, said ‘having the new custom made wheelchair has been life changing for the whole family, giving Elizabeth some independence without having to be carried and has improved her accessibility to transport and holidays’. Sophie went on say how grateful the family were to the ELMC for the very significant donation towards the specialist wheelchair.
Vince Dover
Western Area Charity Steward