After months of planning and collecting sponsors, and worrying if we could get all the team out of the plane on the day, we eventually had a final count of the sponsorship monies. Remember, we originally thought we would be able to raise £8,000 and would have been happy with that but no, the final count is

£19, 242.93

It took all the team by surprise at the presentation of the cheque by the PGM, RWBro Sir David Trippier, on behalf of Team Geronimo to Mrs Julie Ward, Director of Operations of the E.L.M.C., also one of the Team Geronimo.

Alas, all the team could not be present at the presentation but I would like to thank everyone who donated to this worthy cause, Lodges, Freemasons,  family and friends, and last but not least Team Geronimo – Mrs Julie Ward, WBro David Hawkins, WBro Mark Barlow, WBro Stephen Hobson, WBro Steven Rothwell, WBro Simon Capstick, WBro Ian Macdonald and Corporal Jim Coupe, RAF tandem instructor. Not forgetting Geronimo George.

Report by WBro Walter Coupe, the organiser of this spectacular event.


L – R, Walter Coupe, Mark Barlow, Sir David Trippier, Julie Ward, David Hawkins and Ian Macdonald ( and Gerinimo George!)


Team Geronimo prepare for the jump


Geronimo George with the amazing cheque to the ELMC