How It Works

Hewlett Court is registered as ‘Sheltered Housing’ with the Local Authority.

This means that we are not permitted to give ‘personal care’ to our licensee’s or short stay guests.

Hewlett Court supports people towards independent living in a safe and caring environment in which catering is provided.

In order to reside at Hewlett Court, everyone considering this momentous step must first visit the home informally to meet the other individuals and staff, assess the home for themselves, and then return to their own home to decide if they wish to continue with their application.

The staff will also briefly assess the applicant to see if they appear suitable for their stay. If the prospective individual wishes to continue they must complete a ‘trial’ stay at Hewlett Court to really get the ‘feel’ of communal living.

After the stay they must return home to think about their future. This gives them time to ‘cool down’ and ask family and friends their advice, free of pressure. The Manager will discuss the application with her team (usually within a few weeks). If suitable to both parties’ accommodation will be offered to the prospective individual.

Although Hewlett Court do not provide any care some privately arrange for outside care companies to come in to either administer medication or assist with washing and dressing however all individuals must be fully mobile and ensure they mobilise down to the dining room for all meals.

Hewlett Court Management Team

Director of Operations – Julie Ward

Manager – Beverley Schofield

Team Leader and Hewlett Court Communications officer – Rachel Cookson

Health and Safety Officer – Zena Crumbleholme

Supervisor – Samantha Baker

Supervisor – Lisa Angel-Spensley

Our Address

Hewlett Court Sheltered Housing
Newcombe Road
Holcombe Brook
Bury BL0 9XJ


Hewlett Court Comforts Fund

The Hewlett Court Comforts Fund involves a committee to collect and raise funds to ensure entertainment, events and outings are provided for Hewlett Court.

Hewlett Court Advisory Committee

David Lightbown

David Lightbown


Mrs Julie Ward

Mrs Julie Ward

Director of Operations

David Cowan

David Cowan


Beverley Schofield

Beverley Schofield


Dennis Heskett

Dennis Heskett


Paul Thornton

Paul Thornton

Communications Officer

Mike Stubbs

Mike Stubbs
