Standing Order Online Application If you wish to setup a standing order with the ELMC. Please complete the form below with your details and we will do the rest. ONLINE APPLICATION On this form all mandatory fields (marked*) must be completed. If a field is not relevant to you then please enter NONE Please do not use the 'RETURN' key when completing this form Your Details DIRECT DEBIT / STANDING ORDER MANDATE Details of my Bank/Building Society with whom I have made arrangements for payments to be made to the ELMC About the payment How often are the payments to be made MonthlyQuarterlyAnnuallySingle (Note: Single Payment must be of £60 minimum to become a 'Friend') Date and amount of first payment Choose one of the following two options: 1) Date and amount of final payment 2) Until further notice (payments will be made until you cancel this instruction) Details of Account to which payments are to be made Name: East Lancashire Masonic Charity Sort Code: 20-74-45 Account Number: 33158985 I request that these donations be recorded in my name as a member of: **Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate!** GIFT AID DECLARATION GIFT AID is claimed by the Charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. I want to Gift Aid my regular donation of: and any donations that I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to the East Lancashire Masonic Charity I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. IMPORTANT: BY ENTERING YOUR NAME BELOW YOU AGREE TO SIGNING DIGITALLY FOR SETTING UP GIFT AID PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE COMPLETED ALL REQUIRED FIELDS BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS FORM **PLEASE REMEMBER TO MAKE THE STANDING ORDER / DIRECT DEBIT ARRANGEMENT WITH YOUR BANK IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THIS FORM**